elcome to Spectre Security Coin. Spectre Security is a crypto currency with a  goal of helping secure the crypto currency space. We believe that by through education, and constant diligence we can help lead the way to a safer investment for everyone. We, here at Spectre Security, believe security is one of the most important parts of running a crypto project.

With crypto currency thefts posed to be over 2 billion USD this year alone, we want to help stop as much as we can. We want to work with other coin developers to help secure as much of the their networks before the theft can happen.

How can Spectre Security Help?

  1. Bring Security Awareness to the Block Chain Community
  2. Help Block Chain Developers secure their networks.
  3. Help identify vulnerability’s in the project network.
  4. Help improve project structure.

Many projects need these Skills

Development 90%
Design 80%
Marketing 70%
Spectre Security is helping build better, safer, Crypto Coin projects by giving them the insight they need to grow and thrive in today’s crypto environment.

We started Spectre Security Coin to bridge the gap between crypto coin developers and security professionals. Many coin developers require extensive infrastructure to maintain day to day operations. While hobbyist, investors, and traders require coin developers to do this securely and professionally.

Security Professionals can help identify issues with a coin platform, infrastructure, and help find better ways to secure the network. Networks require constant monitoring and upgrades to ensure any weakness found can be addressed in the quickest manner. Exchanges, and Web Wallets have been constant attack vectors for criminals. This creates a prime space for security professionals to provide solutions to crypto developers.

If your project needs quality help in deciding how to improve its security stance, come talk to us. Many of our community members are available to help you get to the answers you need to get your project on track.


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Spectre Security Coin

Spectre Security is an innovative project that delivers top-tier security! Our professionals are here to ensure that your project is successful and protected from all threats.

Contact us for all of your security needs!

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